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Dreaming of A White Christmas Teddy Bear

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Family Reunion

Every year as the north wind starts to blow a little colder and Santa gets serious about checking his Naughty and Nice lists, the White Christmas Teddy Bears get together for a family reunion.   It is a wonderful time to share news and catch up with each other before they are each off celebrating Christmas, Teddy Bear style, with people everywhere.

Bell Woolly Tubs hung up the phone.  “Well, Jingles can’t make it – he’s busy at a Color of Christmas meeting!”  Jingles was Bell’s 35 inch younger brother.

“That’s OK – he always eats all the toast anyway,” said Frosty Fluffy Shags.  Frosty was a 45 inch giant teddy bear who was always hungry!  He loved being asked to Christmas parties because they always served delicious things to eat, and sometimes even his favorite hot chocolate.

“OK, settle down everyone, I think I have this camera figured out, so we can take our group picture for the Christmas teddy bear newsletter!”  Bo Fluffy Shags had been fiddling with his new digital camera. The white Christmas teddy bears took a picture at every family reunion to send to everyone, but especially to their Grandpa Teddy Bear who taught them all how to be special Christmas teddy bears.  The white Fluffy Shags & Woolly Tubs bears came from a long line of stuffed Christmas bears, proudly helping spread the joy of the season to everyone who met them.

“Line up, teddy bears, Christmas smiles please!” Bo said.  “Babs, you get in the front so we can see you.”  Babs was a 27” little white teddy bear, perfect for baby’s first Christmas.  She moved to the front of the group.

“OK, Bell, you stand there, and Frosty, you stand here.”  Bo got everyone in a line.  “Frosty, your teddy bear Santa hat is perfect!  Don’t move!”  Bo set the timer on the camera, and rushed to his spot.  He moved pretty fast for a 52” giant white teddy bear!

“Smiles, everyone!” Bo watched his new camera, the little blinking light counting down to take their picture.  “OK, ready?  Three, two, one – Merry Christmas, Teddy Bear!”  All the white Christmas bears smiled their cheeriest smiles.  They loved this time of year!

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