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Giant Teddy Bear at the Farmer's Market: a Sunny Cuddles Photo Blog

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Weekends are full of fun times for Giant Teddy bears... they love to go on adventures with their favorite humans, relax, and enjoy living the #teddybearlife : )

Sunny Cuddles is a big mocha brown teddy bear, one of the biggest teddy bears you've ever seen!

Sunny decided it would be fun to go to the Farmer's Market this weekend, so he grabbed his market bag and headed out...
Sunny Cuddles is part of the Giant Teddy bear family - isn't he adorable?

Hi! It's me, Sunny Cuddles. This is my Farmer's Market Photo Blog! It was a fun day of shopping, tasting, and making new friends.

As soon as I got there, I took a look at the produce. It was nice, and I even got a bag of green beans.

But I got in trouble at one of the stands.

I was only trying to find a ripe melon... but they didn't like a Giant Teddy bear thumping them I guess. What. Ever.

It seems that "Bears thumping our melons" is not good for business, so I was asked to move along.

Sniff, sniff. I smelled something nice and wandered over to another stand.

Jeremiah from Hueco Valley Soaps & Lotions invited me to sit down, and explained that the great smell was coming from their homemade soaps. Turns out, they aren't for eating. Good to know.

I had a good time learning about all the cool things they put into homemade soaps. I think all the Giant Teddy bears might like a honey sugar scrub, but I'm honest enough to admit we'd probably just eat it. 

Then I spotted something baked.

Now the Farmer's Market was speaking my language... I bought some chocolate zucchini bread so I could say I got some more veggies.

So many breads for a Giant Teddy bear to choose from... I went with Chocolate Zucchini since it WAS the Farmer's Market! 

I was really excited.

Turns out, there are way more things at a Farmer's Market than just fruits & vegetables!

And sometimes, there are free samples.


I stopped at the Deep River Specialty Foods booth for a taste. Or two. OK, twelve, but she said it was fine.

A Giant Teddy bear has a keen eye for the words, "Free Samples"

Oh yum. That's good stuff.

I had a lot of samples, but this spoon was just too little for a Giant Teddy bear!

I ended up buying some mustard that is a finalist in a contest, some jam and my favorite, Black Bart's Rum Grilling Sauce. (I took it home and had it on burgers. It was pawesome!)

I finally made up my mind. All the Giant Teddy bears loved what I bought!

Oh My.


I got a bit lightheaded and a little girl had to hold me up. I sampled and bought some bacon jam. All the bears are going to love this stuff.

Giant Teddy bears are quite fond of bacon as a rule, though a few of the bears are vegetarians.

I was still a little woozy at the thought of all those bacon-y treats, so the little girl was kind enough to help me to the next tent.

Gourmet Desserts?

Oh yeah.

Giant Teddy bears love cake. Annie M's had some delicious looking cakes that all my bear friends would drool over!

The lady said to call her Momma Jacobs, she makes all of the Annie M's Gourmet Desserts. She helped me taste some fresh peach cobbler and I bought some. I was running low on funds, but next time I'm getting some of her amazing cakes.

I got to sample cobblers and decided peach cobbler was just what a Giant Teddy bear like me would need to unwind after a long day of shopping at the Farmer's Market.

I also met a really nice guy selling salsa and gourmet nuts. He asked if I wanted a job working at his stand - he thought people would want to stop and talk to a great looking big teddy bear like me.

I told him he was right, people always want to talk to me! I told him to visit GiantTeddy.com and he could find the perfect huge teddy bear in a personalized shirt to help hand out samples at his booth.

Oh no. I had no money left to buy any Brussels Sprouts.

How sad.

I guess I'll just have to go again next weekend...


-Sunny Cuddles, Farmer's Market Adventurer

If you'd like to have a fun life-size teddy bear like Sunny Cuddles hang out with you, come meet all our Giant Teddy bears, in sizes from 2 to 6 feet tall and every color and style you can imagine to find the perfect bear for you!


At July 13, 2014 at 5:42 PM , Blogger Kay Garrett said...

OH NO! Now you've done and went and made me hungry. And Willy Shags is drooling just thinking about what all he could find at a farmer's market. Sadly I had to tell him that down south it's usually just veggies and a little fruit in season. However, I did tell he we could take a road trip soon to find some of those delicious treats along the way. :)

At July 13, 2014 at 6:45 PM , Blogger Bear Blogger said...

Sunny says that he's seen all the pictures of what goodies you make for your bears Willy, Sewsie & Sewsie Jr. and he thinks you should have your OWN Farmer's Market Kay! Or find one close enough that you can set up a stand selling bear paw cookies maybe?! : )

At July 15, 2014 at 2:12 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Yay! Excellent finds at the market, and I'm sure the other bears will appreciate it too!

At July 16, 2014 at 5:33 AM , Blogger Bear Blogger said...

Diesel Bear, I have tragic news. While my back was turned, SOMEBEAR ate up all the bacon jam I bought at the Farmer's Market. I won't point any paws but my cousin Cozy Cuddles had suspiciously bacon-y breath yesterday. oink-oink (get it, cuz he was a piggy bear AND it was a piggy thing? I should write this stuff down - oh WAIT I just did hahahahaha) - Sunny Cuddles

At July 19, 2014 at 6:01 PM , Blogger IcyPinkLemonade said...

*giggles at the bacony comment* AWW SHUCKS. Guess the Brussels sprouts will have to be bought on your NEXT trip! ;)

At July 19, 2014 at 6:42 PM , Blogger Bear Blogger said...

IcyPinkLemonade: Um, yes, of course the beloved Brussels sprouts will be FIRST THING on my next trip. Unless I somehow forget. I don't know HOW that could happen though. I'm sure I'll remember. Probably. Unless they are sold out or something. Yeah, sold out! I think they are... love, Sunny Cuddles


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