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I'm a Teddy Bear with a Cookie Eating Problem (the problem is I get caught)

Friday, August 8, 2014

I don't know how these things keep happening to me. I mean, all the big bears at Giant Teddy KNOW how I feel about freshly-baked cookies.

And cookie dough.

And eating.

Is anyone else hungry?

Oh wait, wasn't I telling you a story?

That's right, about how I got into trouble with some cookies.

I'm so adorable, all big and cuddly with super soft mocha brown fur (that looks a lot like milk-chocolate chips) I don't know how anyone can think I'm such a mischievous bear. Do NOT believe all the stories you hear.


All my bear friends decided it was definitely an afternoon that needed cookies. We took a vote and decided on milk-chocolate chip and raisin (gotta get our veggies in somewhere) and DeeDee Cuddles said she'd make them.

DeeDee Cuddles has a secret teddy bear recipe for her cookies. Shhh. 

She's so pretty, she's got soft purple fur and she loves to bake so sometimes I smell vanilla behind her ears. Sigh.

I just happened to be in the kitchen and offered to help.

I am so helpful in the kitchen baking cookies...no matter what you hear. 

I don't know why she was so suspicious. Something about my reputation preceding me, whatever that means.

She got the cookie dough whipped up and I may have had a little taste.

Then she put them on the tray

DeeDee Cuddles uses a cookie scoop so they turn out nice and even and delicious. She's a great chef and bakes a pawesome cookie. 

popped them  into the oven and told me I had to wait.

I went off to see if BooBoo Shags had heard any more about his trip to Europe and then when I came back, there they were. All golden and delicious, cooling on the rack.

There was a note. Huh. OK...

I really should have been insulted that the note mentioned me. Chocolate Chip Cookies, warm & gooey... I must have teddy bear self control. 

I had a few. And maybe a few more.

How is a big teddy bear supposed to resist warm chocolate chip cookies?

Then I might have left quickly when I heard DeeDee coming back to the kitchen.

I heard her yelling my name.

DeeDee Cuddles wasn't happy when she came back to the kitchen. 

But I didn't eat them ALL... there was a chunk left.

I left a note. It did not go over well with DeeDee Cuddles & the other bears...

I thought that was pretty generous.

I don't know why everyone is so upset about it.

Early bear gets the cookie...but just to be safe I think I'll go nap in my hammock for a while and let all the other bears get over it.

Have a great day!

Sunny Cuddles
Very Stuffed Giant Teddy bear


At August 8, 2014 at 5:25 PM , Blogger Kay Garrett said...

Sounds like a typical day here with all the @GiantTeddy bears wanting to help (so they can nibble the cookie dough - checking for fresh ingredients they say), wanting to sample them as they come out (quality control they say), help with packaging - if there are any left to package (keeping the perfect ones which means that any that "accidently" get bumped are not good enough to package, and lastly to sharing cause isn't sharing a lot better than being stingy. Let's see each batch of cookie dough that is suppose to make 4 dozen cookies divided by number of bears in the house (4) less nibbles, samples and unperfect cookies means we did all that for like 5 cookies and 4 full bellies Works for me! :)

At August 9, 2014 at 11:46 AM , Blogger Bear Blogger said...

: ) bears like your math @Kay Garrett!

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