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Giant Teddy Bear Magic

Friday, December 28, 2012

The Cuddles Clan Explains Teddy Bear Magic

Have you ever noticed that the same color teddy bear can come in many sizes? Small bears, big bears, or a giant teddy bear – and sometimes, it is the same teddy bear who comes in all those sizes! Have you ever wondered why? I decided to ask four giant teddy bear siblings named Cozy Cuddles, Sunny Cuddles, Coco Cuddles and Brownie Cuddles.  

I’d seen them around town, and sometimes they were small teddy bears, sometimes they were large teddy bears, and sometimes they were giant teddy bears.  I couldn’t figure it out.

Were they just having growth spurts? Wearing teddy bear shoes with lifts to make themselves taller? I had to know. So I asked them. And by the way, they are even cuter up close! Their plush teddy bear fur is so soft, and I love their checkered brown bows.  They have big brown eyes, a chubby bear nose, and on first meeting, I just wanted to give them a big hug!  It is easy to see why their last name is Cuddles.

Cozy Cuddles proudly told me it was all about Teddy Bear magic. 
Sunny Cuddles said,"Giant Teddy bears all have different jobs.Sometimes, a small teddy bear might be needed to hug a little child or sit on a desk." 
"Other times, a giant teddy bear might be needed to work in an office, greeting people and making them laugh as they walk through the doors", explained Coco Cuddles
Then, Brownie Cuddles, the dark brown 6 foot tall giant teddy bear added, "Large teddy bears are lots of fun to have around, and make excellent college dorm room buddies, just don't make one a carpool buddy."

I stood speachless and amazed! I thought, "Could Teddy Bear magic really exist?", I didn't realize that I thought it outloud...

Sunny Cuddles then said "Teddy Bear magic makes each bear the perfect size for whoever they are going to live with, and whatever they need to do". 

It began to make sence and I began to reiterate, "So that’s why I saw a small cream teddy bear going into the Teddy Bear Movie Theatre with someone, and I thought he was Cozy Cuddles". Cozy nodded in aggreement.
"...And why, I saw a big white teddy bear that looked just like another size Coco Cuddles going into the pizza place with friends." I said in a proud voice while Coco nodded too. 
"And why I was pretty sure the giant brown teddy bear riding in a carriage with a bride and groom was a life size version of Sunny Cuddles" I exclaimed, while Sunny and Brownie nodded their heads at the same time.  

Each was using Teddy Bear magic. It lets any giant teddy bear like Cozy Cuddles, Sunny Cuddles, Coco Cuddles and Brownie Cuddles be whatever size they need to be in order to make someone happy.  So - what size teddy bear will make you happy?  Just let the Cuddles giant teddy bear clan know and your small or life size teddy bear will be on it's way to see you!

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Giant Stuffed Hippo Pod

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Kubus 

Introducing the Kubus, a loveable pod (a family of hippos) of stuffed plush hippopotamuses that range in size from the 4 and a half feet tall Bari, the big and brave father of the Kubu pod, to the 1 foot tall Tali Kubu, the youngest of the group.  With a huge selection of different sizes and personalities, these chubby hippo toys make the perfect gift for just about anyone. 

Indigenous and exclusive to the African savanna, hippos have been a zoo favorite for more than a century.  As cute as those chubby hippos can be, very few people could conceive of keeping them as pets, but now, Giant Teddy has brought all the best aspects of these African giants into your home, while leaving out some of the less desirable qualities.  It's a little difficult to imagine a hippo coming in and laying down on your living room floor after a nice hour-long mud bath.  You don't have to worry about your stuffed hippo doing that! And while hippos in the wild can be very dangerous and territorial animals, the Kubus are a pod of very friendly stuffed hippo toys meant to be cuddled and loved.   

As always is the case with Giant Teddy stuffed animals, you can rest assured that the Kubu pod are made of the finest materials.  With a wonderful plush exterior and Stuffed with Love, these stuffed hippo dolls big or small will last a lifetime.   They make a wonderful companion to brighten your own day and the perfect gift for anyone who loves stuffed plush animals.  Come meet the Kubu family today! 

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White Christmas Bears Save Santa!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Exclusive Story Here

Every year, Santa loads the sleigh and does a few test flights, to make sure all the equipment is working well and the reindeer are limber and ready to make their Christmas Eve journey.  This year, something happened.  Something that could have ruined Christmas – but not to worry!  The brave and awesome White Christmas bears came to the rescue. 

People think that Christmas teddy bears are just fluffy and cute, in their little teddy bear Santa hats, bows and scarves.  And of course they are super cute, and cuddly Christmas bears too!  But they are also brave and wonderful.

Santa had to crash-land his sleigh! And it got stuck in a huge snow bank.  He had to get it out, quickly – there was so much work to be done to get ready for Christmas! He tried to get it out, but nothing was working – when suddenly, all the white Christmas teddy bears jumped out of the sleigh and started to work.

Babs Fluffy Shags got down under one of the sleigh runners to dig out some of the snow with a toy shovel.  She showed why she is a perfect first Christmas teddy bear for a baby – she isn’t afraid of anything and will always protect your baby!

Jingles Woolly Tubs and Frosty Fluffy Shags got on either side of the sleigh and began rocking it back and forth.  Their soft, fluffy white teddy bear fur kept them warm, and they had on their little teddy bear Santa hats and bows too.  Heave, ho-ho-ho!  The large white Christmas bears were making the sleigh move! 

Giant white Christmas teddy bear Bo Fluffly Shags got behind the sleigh, and pushed with all his might – he’s a big Christmas bear, and pretty strong!  The sleigh popped out of the snow bank!  All the other toys cheered, the reindeer all snorted and smiled and called out their thanks, and Santa helped the white Christmas teddy bears all climb back into the sleigh to ride back home. 

Whoever is lucky enough to have a white Christmas teddy bear gift this year will never have to worry about getting their sleigh stuck in the snow, that’s for sure.  As Santa’s sleigh took off again, his jolly voice could be heard shouting as he drove out of sight, “Merry Christmas, teddy bears, to you all… and to all, a good night!

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Red Christmas Teddy Bear, Riley Chubs!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Red Teddy Bears Make the Color of Christmas Sweet

Riley Chubs is a red Christmas teddy bear.  He is one of Santa’s Color of Christmas Teddy Bear Ambassadors, and he loves his job!  There is nothing better for a red Christmas bear than seeing the joy on the faces of all the people he meets.

Well, there is one thing that red Riley Chubs loves almost as much as Christmas – ginger bread cookies! And that is where today’s story begins.  

Riley Chubs is 30” tall, just tall enough to reach the counter in the elf break room.  Mrs. Claus bakes fresh ginger bread teddy bear cookies every afternoon and leaves them on a pretty Christmas plate on the counter. 

Riley was walking by one day, on his way to a Color of Christmas Teddy Bear Ambassador meeting when he smelled those cookies.  He went in, and didn’t see anyone.  Being the kind of sweet red teddy bear he is, Riley called out, but nobody heard him.  Oh how he wanted one of those ginger bread teddy bear cookies.  He reached his red teddy bear paw up and took one.  And it was delicious.  

He never meant for it to happen, but he ate them all.  They were just so sweet!  Even though nobody had spotted a red bear in a Santa hat eating all the cookies, Riley knew he had to make some more.  It was the right thing to do as a Christmas Bear Ambassador.

He went to Mrs. Claus and asked her to help him.  Together, they baked another batch of gingerbread teddy bear cookies! He smiled when he took the plate to the elf break room, put it on the counter, and quickly left.

Now can you think of anything more fun at Christmas, than baking a batch of gingerbread teddy bear cookies… with a festive red Christmas teddy bear by your side?  

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A Giant Teddy Bear

Monday, December 17, 2012

To The Rescue...

Have you ever wondered where your name falls on the “Naughty” or “Nice” lists that Santa has?  I bet you have!  Those lists have been around a long time, but Santa has done some automation with computers in recent years… but it almost went horribly wrong.  Until a Giant Teddy bear with a festive scarf named Bo Fluffy Shags saved the day.

The Naughty or Nice 2.0 machine was very cool, and all the Christmas teddy bears loved to gather around it and watch the names pop up on the big flat screen, and then look to see if “Naughty” or “Nice” lights went off on the indicator panel at the top.  It was really funny to watch as some names set off both lights one right after the other… the Christmas bears noticed that happened a lot during rush hour traffic for people when they got mad and did Naughty things.  

It was getting close to Christmas, and everyone was scurrying about working hard.  Elves were making toys, and getting lists ready of what teddy bear for Christmas was going to which boy or girl.  Some of the Christmas bears were helping out, wrapping up gifts to be loaded into Santa’s sleigh on Christmas Eve.

And then it happened.  Names popped up on the screen, but the lights showing “Naughty” or “Nice” didn’t light up.  Something was wrong.  A hush went over the workshop.  Christmas teddy bears put their fluffy paws to their mouths in shock.  What would they do?   The Head Elf swaggered over, and looked for the ladder. 

But the ladder wasn’t there.  If they didn’t know who was Naughty and who was Nice, how would they ever organize Christmas?  Who would be good enough to get a Christmas teddy bear? 

“Where IS the ladder?”  A big stuffed teddy bear in back yelled, “The reindeer have it for flight take-off practice!”  All the Christmas bears and elves started talking at once.  Nobody knew what to do.

Then, through the crowd, a pair of fluffy white teddy bear ears was spotted moving towards the Naughty or Nice 2.0 machine.  It was Bo Fluffy Shags!  He was a giant white Christmas teddy bear 52” tall – maybe he could fix it without a ladder!

Bo calmly reached up on his tippy teddy bear toes and turned a few knobs.  The “Naughty” and “Nice” lights started blinking on and off again with names!  All the Christmas teddy bears cheered, all the elves cheered, everyone was chanting, “Bo Fluffy Shags!” and patting the giant white teddy bear on the back, thanking him for saving Christmas.  

So the machine is fixed – which list will your name be on?  Because a special giant teddy bear for Christmas can only be a gift for those who are really nice!

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The Color Of Christmas Teddy Bears Part 2

Thursday, December 13, 2012

White Christmas Teddy Bear Saves Christmas Party – My Hero!

I didn’t know what to do.  I sat on the bench at the bus stop to think.  Our Christmas party was ruined, and it was my entire fault.  I thought I had lined up the entertainment weeks ago, but they weren’t coming.  I was doomed.

As I sat there feeling sorry for myself, someone sat down next to me, and starting humming Christmas carols.  Pretty good humming, too.  I looked up, and saw a white teddy bear with a Santa hat sitting next to me.  He was watching me.

“You seem kind of glum – it’s Christmas! Be happy!” the white Christmas teddy bear said.

I looked at him.  “You sure are a festive Christmas teddy bear,” I said.

He laughed.  “I hope so! My name is Jingles Woolly Tubs, and I am not only one of Santa’s Color of Christmas Teddy Bear Ambassadors, I love Christmas!  It’s my job to spread Christmas bear cheer wherever I go.  Now why are you so sad?” he asked, straightening his green bow tie with one paw.

“I’ve ruined our Christmas party – there’s no entertainment,” I confessed.

He laughed, a great big jolly Christmas teddy bear sort of laugh. Come to think of it, he was kind of a giant teddy bear, about 35” I’d guess. 

“Christmas teddy bear magic to the rescue! I love to sing at parties! Maybe I could help you out!”

I thought about it – he was a good hummer.  And a large white teddy bear with a Santa Claus hat and green bow tie?  Now that was entertaining!

I smiled back.  “Thank you, Jingles! You’ve saved our party!”

Hours later, everyone was raving about it being the best Christmas party we’d ever had.  Jingles was the most entertaining Christmas bear anyone had ever met.   All the girls at the party just kept cooing over what a cute white Christmas teddy bear in his Santa Claus hat he was, and all the guys found his festive Christmas teddy bear stories hysterical – especially the one about the year all the Christmas bears decided to take up water polo. 

As Jingles was leading everyone in another Christmas carol, I thought about how lucky I was to have met one of Santa’s Christmas Teddy Bear ambassadors.  He sure made me a believer in the Color of Christmas being white.  As he left the party, we all waved and shouted, “Merry Christmas Teddy Bear!”      

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Baby’s First Christmas Teddy Bear

Friday, December 7, 2012

Special White Christmas Bear Memories for a Lifetime!

Nobody ever called her Barbara Bear - all the Giant Teddy Bears call her Babs Fluffy Shags!  Babs was reading the morning Christmas Bear News when she saw it!  An ad for someone who needed a special first teddy bear.  And it was absolutely perfect for her!

Wanted: a first Christmas Teddy Bear for baby.  We have a new baby at our house, and we need a fluffy white Christmas teddy bear gift.  Teddy bear must be safe for baby to be around as we expect lots of hugs and cuddling.  Prefer a bear with experience as a first teddy bear for Christmas.  If you are a white Christmas teddy bear with a bow, please apply today!

Babs was just so excited.  She immediately wrote a letter, applying for the job:

I am a 27 inch white Christmas teddy bear, and I would love to be your baby’s first Christmas bear!  I am a fluffy and cuddly teddy bear, safe for baby to love and hug.  My name is Babs Fluffy Shags, and I’d love to spend this first Christmas with your baby… and then stay forever.

Babs waited anxiously for a reply, paws crossed for luck as she hoped to be that baby’s first Christmas teddy bear gift.

She knew she could do it.  She loved opening Christmas presents, and the baby would need help this first Christmas.  Babs Fluffy Shags could just see herself in special Christmas pictures with the baby this year, and every year to come.  It would be a tradition that she would sit by the baby opening presents. 

Maybe they would have a silly picture every single year that the baby’s Mommy and Daddy would put in a photo album of Christmas memories.  This year, it would be baby’s first Christmas teddy bear, and next year would be just as special and even more fun – because hopefully Santa would bring Babs a giant teddy bear present under the tree, too!  And then she and the baby could open their presents together.

Babs Fluffy Shags got the job! She packed her little teddy bear suitcase and hurried out the door.  She had places to go – there was a baby who needed a first Christmas teddy bear! 

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The Giant Teddy Bear Mission

"Spreading Love and Happiness, One Bear at a Time"

Our website is home to the Original Giant Teddy Bear Family that everyone loves to hug! 

Creating a one of a kind family of plush bears is a labor of love!  The love, quality and care that we put into our creations can be seen and felt in each and every one of our cuddly bears.  You have our Paw of Honor that all members of the Giant Teddy family are Stuffed with LoveSince first introducing Giant Teddy bears, they have skyrocketed in popularity.  Our life size teddy bears are unrivaled in quality, size selection and color variety! 

We believe they are adored and cherished because of their super cute faces and of course because they are well proportioned and ‘beary’ huggable!  Let’s not forget their excellent quality and texture!  With names like Chubs, Hugs, Big Love or Cuddles, who wouldn't fall in love with a Giant Teddy bear? Each and every one of our products must pass a Hug Test before shipping off to a new home.  Our Hug Test ensures that every bear is perfectly fluffy and huggable!  

It’s no wonder why www.giantteddy.com is The Place to find the world’s biggest selection of over sized teddy bears.   Send a Giant Teddy bear because our bears deliver the love and well wishes that you want to send to your loved one!  Join us in spreading Love and Happiness one Giant Teddy bear at a time!  

Giant Teddy – Stuffed with Love

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A Stuffed Hippopotamus For Christmas…

Monday, December 3, 2012

Huggable C. Hippopotamus, The True Inside Story

Santa had been humming a song for days.  Something about a hippopotamus for Christmas.  He loved that song!  As he was going over his lists one day (he had a lot of those to look over) he heard a voice say, “Excuse me, do I need an appointment?”

Santa looked up, and blinked twice.  Standing in the door was a stuffed hippo!  “Come in, come in!”  He was delighted to see the hippo in a Santa hat and festive red scarf.  “I’ve just been singing a song about you!”

The cuddly plush hippo smiled and sat down.  “I know! That’s why I’m here.  I thought maybe a lot of people might like to have a Christmas hippo this year.  My name is Huggable C. Hippopotamus, but you can call me Huggy Hippo, Santa.”

Santa asked, “What does the C. stand for, Huggy?”  The big stuffed hippo smiled and said, “Why, it stands for Huggable Christmas Hippopotamus of course!”  Santa laughed his big, jolly laugh.

Huggy Hippo looked around and said, “I like it here, but do you think I’ll fit in?  I know this is Giant Teddy Bear Christmas Town. Will they want a hippopotamus for Christmas around here?”  Huggy waited for Santa to answer – he was so hopeful!  He loved Christmas Teddy Bears, and he wanted to be part of the most festive place on earth, if they wanted a Christmas hippo to join in all the fun and games of making people smile and feel happy.

“Huggy Hippo, you are definitely welcome here!  Everyone will be so excited to see a hippo for Christmas!”  Santa laughed again, so happy that such a cute Christmas hippo had come to see him this year.

Huggy reached up and straightened his scarf and hat – after all, he wanted to look perfect for Christmas; hippos are very particular about their Santa hats and scarves you know!

Santa looked over all the lists and showed Huggy Hippo all the names on the “Nice” list that had asked for a special stuffed Christmas hippo to come see them.  Huggy was going to be very busy indeed. There sure were a lot of names asking for a stuffed hippopotamus for Christmas this year

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