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The Color Of Christmas Teddy Bears Part 2

Thursday, December 13, 2012

White Christmas Teddy Bear Saves Christmas Party – My Hero!

I didn’t know what to do.  I sat on the bench at the bus stop to think.  Our Christmas party was ruined, and it was my entire fault.  I thought I had lined up the entertainment weeks ago, but they weren’t coming.  I was doomed.

As I sat there feeling sorry for myself, someone sat down next to me, and starting humming Christmas carols.  Pretty good humming, too.  I looked up, and saw a white teddy bear with a Santa hat sitting next to me.  He was watching me.

“You seem kind of glum – it’s Christmas! Be happy!” the white Christmas teddy bear said.

I looked at him.  “You sure are a festive Christmas teddy bear,” I said.

He laughed.  “I hope so! My name is Jingles Woolly Tubs, and I am not only one of Santa’s Color of Christmas Teddy Bear Ambassadors, I love Christmas!  It’s my job to spread Christmas bear cheer wherever I go.  Now why are you so sad?” he asked, straightening his green bow tie with one paw.

“I’ve ruined our Christmas party – there’s no entertainment,” I confessed.

He laughed, a great big jolly Christmas teddy bear sort of laugh. Come to think of it, he was kind of a giant teddy bear, about 35” I’d guess. 

“Christmas teddy bear magic to the rescue! I love to sing at parties! Maybe I could help you out!”

I thought about it – he was a good hummer.  And a large white teddy bear with a Santa Claus hat and green bow tie?  Now that was entertaining!

I smiled back.  “Thank you, Jingles! You’ve saved our party!”

Hours later, everyone was raving about it being the best Christmas party we’d ever had.  Jingles was the most entertaining Christmas bear anyone had ever met.   All the girls at the party just kept cooing over what a cute white Christmas teddy bear in his Santa Claus hat he was, and all the guys found his festive Christmas teddy bear stories hysterical – especially the one about the year all the Christmas bears decided to take up water polo. 

As Jingles was leading everyone in another Christmas carol, I thought about how lucky I was to have met one of Santa’s Christmas Teddy Bear ambassadors.  He sure made me a believer in the Color of Christmas being white.  As he left the party, we all waved and shouted, “Merry Christmas Teddy Bear!”      

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